Garden of the LORD

Garden of the LORD

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Misplaced Keys

“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.”
                                                               Colossians 2:9-10

I misplace things.  Occassionally.  It isn’t a normal thing for me so I tend to get a little freaky and OCDish when I do.  I will obsessively search every corner of the planet to unearth whatever is lost.  I just like things in their place where they should be (this can sometimes include people).  Life seems right and normal then.  This is me. 

Just recently I misplaced my keys and I have absolutely no clue where they are.  I searched everywhere but to no avail.  I retraced my steps, searched my house, and asked every single person I know.  I have even accused innocent ones that perhaps there is some kind of hiding joke that was being played out at my expense.  Nope.  Nothin.  Troubling just troubling.  My OCD is on high alert and won’t back down.  I am feeling freakish.   

What mostly troubles me though, is not that my house keys are in someone else’s hands, for if they really want to go to the trouble of entering my home and dealing with the 100 pound wolf like dog that keeps vigilance, then have at it. But on my key chain was a fob that entitled me to one free Godiva chocolate every month.  Yeah I am miffed.  Take my stuff but not my chocolate.  I can’t tell you how it steams me that someone could actually be getting chocolate that rightly belongs to me. 

By misplacing my keys, I have put myself in a somewhat vulnerable position.  You see, symbolically and scripturally, keys and authority go hand in hand.  While authority means power, keys are a representation of that power.  In order to retain the authority over my stuff, I had to change the locks.  I needed keys to reestablish my authority over my home.  If I didn’t I would just be handing my authority and power over to whoever felt brave enough to pass the threshold of my home.  Unfortunately, there isn’t anything I can do about the Godiva fob.  Drat!

In Colossians 2:9-10, Paul is warning the recipients to remain alert.  He is basically cautioning them against misplacing something that they already have.  Paul is stressing to the Colossians that all they really need is already theirs.  As we already discussed, the Gnostics were attempting to convince this young church that they needed something other than Christ for complete spiritual fullness.  Paul is telling them unequivocally no!  “You have been given fullness in Christ.”

Paul also carefully and clearly points out that the one in whom they have it all in, also has all power and authority. I think we can conclude from this verse that the enticement the Gnostics were promoting had to do with some other power and authority outside of Christ. Paul is warning the Colossians to not trust in anything other than Christ.  While this power and authority might appear to have strength, Paul is staunchly reminding them that it doesn’t.  Jesus is supreme and above every power.

Which poses the question.  What power or authority could we be chasing after apart from Christ?  A power or authority that is less than Christ but we feel we need apart from Christ.  What have we given keys of authority and power to in our lives, that is not Christ?  What would be your answer to the following statement?  If I have just this thing plus Jesus, my life will be complete.  Here might be some possible answers:

1)   A person – friend, husband, child, pastor, teacher, doctor, parent.
2)   A place – your home, your workplace, your church.
3)   A thing – money, money, money, food, alcohol, education, health, bad run of circumstances, etc.
4)   An emotion – need to be loved, fear, anxiety, bitterness, anger, insecurity.
5)   A habit – that is the way I have always done it.

Have any of these things been given improper authority or power in you life?  Do they rule you or does Christ?  Do they motivate your every decision? Do they cause you undo anxiety and unrelenting burden? Do they distract you from Christ?  If so, then why submit to something that has no real power or authority?  All earthly power and authority submits to Christ.  It is limited but He is limitless.

Much like my misplaced house keys, have we misplaced the keys to Christ’s authority in our lives?  Is the authority that rules your life now in someone or something else’s control?  Why not give it back to the only one who has any real power and authority in your life?  The one who loves you extravagantly and perfectly.  The one who loved you enough to pay the price so that you might live with him forever.  Who or what lesser authority has ever done that? 

Spend a few minutes watching this short video from Priscilla Shirer.  She does a great job reminding us of the power and authority that is found in our Jesus.  (I apologize in advance if you are an Oprah fan J)

Be blessed!

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