Garden of the LORD

Garden of the LORD

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Something to Remember

But God remembered Noah”. Genesis 8:1

I am always encouraged when I read this verse. Yesterday’s post talked about a Closed Door of Another Kind. We have been talking about how God is the author of open and shut doors. We learned that when God shuts a door to an opportunity it is always in our best interest. We also learned that sometimes God not only shuts a door to keep us from entering in but also to keep us from getting out. That is what happened with Noah. God instructed Noah to enter the ark and …

Then the LORD shut him in” Genesis 7:16b

We discovered that even when God shuts a door that keeps us in a difficult situation, He is still orchestrating what is best for us. In the case of Noah, he was being protected from what God was doing as He dealt with the planet. God did give him work to do in taking care of all of those animals though. I imagine he must have been pretty engaged in animal husbandry.

But God remembered Noah.”

As I read this, I asked myself “does God ever forget”? As I perused my concordance I found over and over God’s warning to man not to forget Him but I didn’t find any scripture that mentioned God forgetting us. But I did find this…

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will never forget you!” Isaiah 49:15

God doesn’t forget. Not only doesn’t He forget but He goes one step further He remembers. God remembers us when we are locked up in a difficult situation. He is in perfect control over it and when it is time He will remember and open the door that leads us out.

Does that encourage you today? Yesterday we learned that God has a purpose when He locks us in a situation and that purpose is most likely a blessing if we choose to see His point of view. While the time may seem overwhelming and bring you to the brink of what you could bear, never forget, God remembers you. Though a mother, as impossible as that might seem, might forget the child she has borne, God will never forget you. He remembers you and you are at the forefront of His mind. Why? Because it is impossible for Him to forget.

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