Today marks the beginning of a new year. This day is often acquainted with feelings of fresh starts, new opportunities and a resurgence of hope within our spirits. As we ring out the old and bring in the new, we embrace scriptures that reflect on this concept of newness.
“Forget the formers things; do not dwell in the past. See I am doing a new thing”. Isaiah 43:18-19a
We are eager to put the disappointments from the last year behind us and determine in our hearts that ‘yes this year will be different; it is going to be better’. What in our human nature compels us to put so much weight on this one day? What strength does a flip of a calendar have to change our perspective? Why do we give it that power?
Perhaps you are someone who isn’t facing the New Year with fresh hopes but overwhelming disappointment. Maybe you are someone that has waited for a very long time for God to move in a situation and that flip of the calendar is a just a sore reminder of the ache in your heart of a longing unfulfilled. You are filled with bitterness rather then hope. Disappointment rather then contentment. You find yourself not welcoming the New Year but feeling contempt at the way it taunts you with promises that hadn’t come to pass.
Every year I read through the Bible and keeping true to tradition January 1 usually finds me in Genesis 1, both mark beginnings. As I read though each creation day and the work that God did I discovered an understanding of the nature of God that I hadn’t ever noticed before. As I made my way through each day, I couldn’t help but ask God “why 5 days? Why not just create it all at once? Why did you take your time?” Sometimes when we give volume to our questions, God gives us the revelatory comprehension with expediency. I realized that God was taking His time because He was preparing a place for us! He was taking His time because He wanted it to be perfect. Isaiah 45:18 tells us
“For this is what the LORD says-he who created the heavens, his is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited –“ (emphasis mine)
God’s intention in creating the earth was for it to be inhabited by man and He took His time making it perfect with everything that we would need not only for our sustenance but also our enjoyment. Jesus echoed the same sentiment when he told his disciples that he was “going to prepare a place for them.” (John 14:3a) only this time it is our place in heaven.
If we borrow on that concept, could it be that the longing that was left unfulfilled from 2010 is really just God’s work in process to be completed at a later date. Could it be that we are only on day 2 of the creation process that God is working out for us? Maybe it is just our lack of understanding of kingdom calendar priorities that is the source of our disappointment? God’s kingdom calendar doesn’t necessarily mirror our earthly one.
I hope this brings you encouragement as you face this upcoming year. God has not forgotten your longings and desires. He greatly loves and cares about what you care about. Trust Him that He hasn’t forgotten you but is working it out to the praise of His glory.
“The LORD will fulfill, his purpose, for me; your love, O LORD endures forever- do not abandon the works of your hands.”
Psalm 138:8
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