Garden of the LORD

Garden of the LORD

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fill Her Up

The most bizarre thing happened last night. On our way out to meet some family members for dinner we stopped at a gas station to fill our tank. The peculiar thing was no one could get the cap to the tank off. (I am wondering, has anyone ever heard of this kind of thing happening? It was just so strange.) We labored for quite a while and rather then be late for our dinner we decided to chance it and take care of this calamity the next day. We kept thinking how fortunate we were that we didn’t wait until the gauge was on E before we stopped. Notice that I said “we”, and not me. I am not nearly as careful about these details. I guess you might say I like living on the edge, at least where my gas tank is concerned. Note to those who don’t know me that well …getting gas is one of my least favorite things.

After service today, I was in the foyer talking to a sister in the Lord and we were commenting on how much we have missed Women’s Bible Study since we have broken for the summer. I was mentioning my longing for the love and fellowship that we enjoy during that time and I felt somewhat drained spiritually without it. We were commiserating about how we were both looking forward to starting up again.

Leave it to me to take a practical daily event in my life and find a spiritual application. These two un-seemingly related events turned exactly into one of those teachable experiences. Since starting to blog, I have a new eye on life. Where the bizarre and peculiar set backs on any given day used to cause me all manner of frustrations, I now embrace them with a fresh enthusiasm as “cool, a bloggable moment”. My broken gas cap became one of those moments.

As I thought about my quarter filled tank in my car I couldn’t help but be reminded about the very words that I had spoken that morning regarding my feeling spiritually empty. I was so glad that we found out about our gas cap situation before we were empty of gas. Wouldn’t that have been wise if I had done that spiritually rather then allow myself to go to E ? Wouldn’t it be cool if we had some kind of gauge that would tell us when we were getting low spiritually before it was too late? Then we would know right away when it was time to “fill her up”. I would lean towards a loud screaming siren then a little flashing light on my dashboard though. But that’s just me.

So I ask you today is anyone running on fumes and looking for the next gas station, I mean Women’s Bible Study. Come meet with us at Monmouth Worship Center as we study Ezra and Nehemiah starting September 14th.

You can check us out at

For those of you who like to know how things turn out. My husband, my hero of the day, was able to wedge the cap off temporarily until we can replace the needed part. You will be happy to know that my tank is filled to the top!!!

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